Sunday, February 24, 2008

I've been tagged!!!!

Whitney tagged me so here it goes!
10 years ago......

i was 2 i too dont rememberanything
probably buggin my sister and brother. I really had nothing
to do at the age of 2.

5 places I've lived.....
Snake river, ID
Blackfoot, ID
Blackfoot ,ID
Blackfoot, ID

10 things on my list to do today......
Get ready, go to church , Go to grandparents, Eat, talk on the phone,
Eat so more ,And sleep not really much goin on in my life!

5 jobs I have had .......
Hoe all the fields with brother, move pipe, and babysitting!I 'am
only 12 i have'nt actually had a real actual job.

10 years from now....
I will be 22 hopefully graduated from college a year before that
and married. I hope!
Everyone has all ready been tagged but Mya so i tag Mya.